Saturday, March 31, 2007

Well. Now. Huh.

So, I was looking forward to working tonight, because we had a staff meeting scheduled which meant that instead of working until midnight, we'd close at 7:00, have pizza, maybe some sort of alcoholic beverage, bitch about work for an hour and then, y'know, hang out, while watching confounded customers pull on the locked door, puzzled by it's refusal to open and yet oblivious to the big sign on the door saying, "Sorry! We're closing early! See ya tomorrow! Suck it!"

Yeah, so, um, we all got fired tonight.


And then we got hired back, in the space of, like, a minute. Less, even.

Here's the news: Beano's been sold. To it's original owner. Yes, I am confused as well. Basically, everything stays the same, we all keep the same wage, we just get paid by different people, etc. Except that our manager, who loves her job and is one of the reasons why everyone stays there, is not being hired back, because the new owners cannot afford her. Which bites.

We'll see how it goes. Suffice to say, after the new owners left, we hung around, drank all five bottles of the champagne that Rhonda brought, polished off a couple cases of Grasshopper and Stella, and then, well, stuff happened.

I did not pitch cappuccino cups against a brick wall in the back hallway just for fun. I did not. Neither did anyone else. Nor were pictures taken. Nor did anyone try to pelt the dumpster across the street with tomatoes. It didn't happen.

Oh, and tomorrow? We are NOT giving away every coffee order for free for the entire day. It is NOT Rhonda's way of saying thank you to the community for supporting Beano over the 15 years that she's owned it. It will NOT be the biggest shitstorm we've ever seen, especially on a goddamned SATURDAY, as customer after customer will NOT come back for refills, and then NOT order six coffees to take to their 'friends', causing me to NOT reach across the counter and punch them in the mouth. It is not happening, Erin is NOT leaving, no one's truly bummed about this, I DON'T have a headache.

In all seriousness: this job cannot become shitty. I already have ONE shitty job. I cannot have TWO. If that happens, I will break more than just ceramic dishes that DIDN'T get broken tonight.

It was all Meagan's fault. She's a bad influence on me.

Oh, and my rent goes up in July. Good thing I'm moving soon, huh?

Now I must sleep. Keep it down over there, will ya? Jeez...

Friday, March 30, 2007

I'm too tired to do this right now... don't expect brilliance. At least, not yet.

So, this is what a proper BLOG is like, huh?

I have to work in four hours. If I am to be extra-special and shiny for my co-workers, I should really climb into my pod and allow the micro-machines time to rejuvenate my oh-so-precious babyfat complexion.

This is me going now. This is you going back to your porn with a vague sense of the anticlimactic.

No, really, go.