Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Old Gray Mare Just Ain't What She Used'a Be.

Happy New Year! I mean, from a week ago! Or something.

So, yeah. My output on this thing lately has been erratic at best, as every time I sit down and try to form purty words and such, Her Majesty The Little Miss AKA HAZILLA THE CONQUEROR demands my attention by performing a new trick, like sitting up on her own without immediately toppling over and smacking her noggin on the hardwood floor, or developing cold fusion in her playpen out of building blocks and felt monkeys (she's clever, this one...). I swear, it's like owning a puppy, but with diapers, and eventually you have to put them through school.

More to the point: bloggetry has felt like less of a priority and more of a luxury of late, and while I certainly enjoy the precious few minutes per month that I spend with y'all, I think it's time for a change; I'm not exactly sure what that change will entail - probably a more regimented thingamajig, as opposed to my usual slackeresque "HeyguesswhatIjustfoundwhileslummingonconspiracytheorywebsites?" tone, possibly forcing me to actually
learn a few computronical skillz while I'm at it - but it's been due for a little while now, so..., um, there. I'm out. For a bit, at least. Normal service will resume...well, eventually. Until then, be good to each other, or I will hit each and every one of you with the biggest stick in the world, and you will thank me for it.

Oh, and as for 2008, this clearly beats out
anything you might have on your Top Ten Lists:

I dare you to try and top The HILJ. She will destroy you and every one of your puny opinions, and she'll look cute doing it.