Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Yes, Margaret, cowboys have mustaches. It's the LAW.

(It's an inside joke. Anyway:)

I am not going to talk about Facebook because no one cares. It's just another way for me to exchange insults with people. Of course, I take full advantage of it.

I will say this: it's weird to 'connect' with people I haven't spoken to for over a decade or more. It's like all my friends, past and present, are getting together to talk about me or something...

I'm not paranoid AT ALL.

It's almost been a week since I left Office Hell, and this is my first day off, so I'm not sure how I feel. Certainly, it's good to be out of the cubicle (which was kinda comforting in a 'I get to build a fort at work' sorta way), but my head still feels like paste. It'll take a few days of masturbation and video games before I start to feel normal again.

(Mom, don't read that part.)


1. I don't know which part bothers me more:
the guy dressing up as a superhero, or the fact that this only appears on a website for golfers.

2. I shouldn't be surprised that I found this through Warren Ellis' site, but: Quantum tantra? Huh.

NBA stuff:

1. Sure, they almost blew a 20-pt lead, but people have to remember that the Raptors are playing the Nets, here; this is Jason Kidd and Vince Carter, and they're gonna stomp you any chance they get.

2. Of course Iverson's not playing up to his potential; whaddya expect's gonna happen when you ditch him off to a brand new team just before the playoffs? I'm not hoping for miracles in tonight's game, but at least the A.I.'s man enough to accept responsibilty for his game.

3. I hate Mark Cuban. I just do.

NHL stuff:

I got nuthin'; I've missed every game since the Flames got knocked out, simply because of work, so I'm a little disconnected, despite having Nelson show up at Beano every time a goal's scored. I just don't see anyone beating Buffalo this year, and at this point, it's all about watching Derek's whiny Canucks choke, and soon. (Don't worry, Derek, it'll happen...)

Spiderman 3 in 3 days. Hell, yes, I'm excited.

Pelican, 'City Of Echoes', June 05. If you're not drooling over this release then you are WRONG. End of story. Also: y'all should be listening to Big Business, too, or these guys will come to your house and rip your ears off.

Apparently William Gibson's 'Spook Country' has been pushed back until Fall, which is okay, as it'll give me a chance to read some of the other hundred books my addiction has forced me to acquire over the last six months.

If you're not watching The Venture Brothers, then I cannot help you.

Wow. It's 2:30, I stink, and I'm still wearing sweatpants. I better go put some clothes on before I start buying lotto tickets and thinking that wrestling is real.

Oh, look, it's Modest Mouse again! How'd that happen?


BBBoris said...

Chris? Hockey? Basketball? Who are you?

christopherdrew said...

I'm just the 2007 model. I'm sure in 2008 I'll be over professional sports and into, I dunno, bukakke and cosplay.

BBBoris said...

Now those are worthwhile hobbies....