Sunday, July 29, 2007

Oops I done it again.

but I did NOT pee on the toilet seat.

Honest. I'm not THAT drunk.

So, we wqent to visit Heather at the Coat Hole, and then Devon (who's got this HUGE shiner and BLOOD IN HIS EYE!!!) gave me a shot or four of this Vincent Van Gogh Espresso Vodka (WHAT?) and then a Strongbow and then Rich andf Arlen let me come BEHIND THE BAR to POUR MY OWN DRINKS???

How am I not dead right now?

Plus we played Galaga and I totally kicked Rachel's butt. While drunk. But I suck at Frogger. I'm OKAY at Donkey Kong.

Now I must go, because I am at the LADIES house, and I must be good.

This was probably a waste of a post, but I got pizza, so there.

Why is Rachel draining her tub at 2:30 in the morning? This makes no sense, even to someone as inebriated as I....

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