Tuesday, August 7, 2007

I have no idea who this man is but I delight in making fun of him, only because I am a twat.

The only unfortunate part of having someone around who likes touching your naughty bits just as much as you like touching theirs is this: I no longer have much time to nerd out, i.e., read comics, play video games, argue with other nerds over who wrote the best Green Lantern stories (Answer: No one, because the Green Lantern is ghey...), or debase myself before animated naked chicks in various states of undress.

Wait. Ignore that last part.

That being said: this looks like the game to beat in the next little while. Honestly, that steampunk aesthetic married to a Randian utopia gone wrong? Underwater cities filled with mutated savages? How am I NOT excited?

Clive Barker making video games can only be good.

So, yes, seeing as GTA IV and Manhunt 2 won't see release for another year, these will have to tide me over.

In other news: only The Melvins could make a song called 'Up The Dumper' romantic.

1 comment:

Contra La Pared said...

pfft. you can be a nerd anytime you want. I'm not forcing you to let me touch your naughty bits.

besides, it's all a lie. yr playing a goddamned videogame RIGHT NOW.