Friday, September 28, 2007


I just had a hot dog from 7-11; I know, I know, they assemble those from the crap they pull out from underneath the fridge and wrap it in old condoms - I get it. I know I'll probably undergo serious gastrointestinal destruction in about twenty minutes, but...DAMN. That was a good dawg.

The heat in this apartment is just insane. I tried turning it up last week when we had that brief cold snap (FROST? NO THANK YOU.), but it seems our landlord turns the furnace off during the summer and didn't bother turning it back ON until today, when it was PLUS 18 out. Wonderful. I will not miss this fucking hovel.

My woman just schooled me at Scrabble, and it musta been embarrasing, because now Facebook won't even let me back onto the site. Damn. Whatever - she's TOTALLY getting fat, y'know...

(...that was an inside joke that I might share with y'all at some point, if she don't kill me first, but anyway...)

Currently listening to Trompe Le Monde by THE BEST BAND EVER KNOWN AS THE PIXIES, and I gotta say, what the effing eff is up with all you haters? I've been hearing a lot of shit-talk lately:"The Pixies were great before their last album, Trompe Le Monde was such a corporate sellout album, besides, Frank Black had fired the band before the album came out, so.."

So? I'll give you 'so'.

1. Fuck you, it ROCKS.

2. There is nothing on ANY of the earlier albums as satisfying as "Alec Eiffel"; I dare you to defy me. "Dig For Fire" comes close, but there's an old saying that uses the words 'close', 'horseshoes' and 'hand grenades', which I'm pretty sure goes something like "CLOSE yer cakehole before I stuff a HAND GRENADE into it and tape it shut." I have no idea what the horseshoes are all about.

3. (This part is edited because I said something mean about someone who deserves to be punched in the face repeatedly, but I'm trying to be nicer these days, so...)

4. If "The Navajo Know" don't make you wanna dance like a jittery, pent-up ball of late-80s angst, then you are DEAD INSIDE.

...okay, I realize that hand grenade thing in #2 was lame...

That's all. I must go get fresh air before I literally choke on my own sweat. Tomorrow: the awesome-icity that is Built To Spill.

That's right: Built. To. Spill. Suckas...

1 comment:

BBBoris said...

I assume Attack in Black are opening for Built to Spill there... Let me know how they were. The cd is good.