Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Jesus STILL owes me five bucks.

Apparently, during that whole David Koresh/Waco fiasco, the FBI were investigating whether or not it'd be possible to broadcast a subliminal message to Koresh over the phone lines that they'd been using for negotiations; this message would've taken the form of (they'd hoped) the Voice Of God, in an attempt to influence Koresh's actions. The man they'd lined up to play the Voice of God was none other than Charlton Heston.

Damn. That's some twisted brilliance going on right there.

Everyone should read this book. Underneath every comedic whacked-out hippyish idea for nonviolent confrontation lurks a far more sinister portrayal of just how depraved we allow ourselves and others to be when it comes to conflict resolution. What I thought was going to be a light read has turned into something quite sobering.

In other news: it is cold enough outside right now that snowfall is definitely imminent, the thought of which has caused my brain to fart and collapse in on itself, squealing like a deflating balloon and ricocheting off the inside of my skull. I hate everything right now. Thanks a lot, God.

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