Friday, September 7, 2007

Never had a day a snow cone couldn't fix.

See, it's 5:00 in the morning, and I'm trying this new thing where I actually get sleep and then get up a few hours before work so that I can eat something and adjust to the Evil That Is The Sun and not be such a vile bastard to everyone I meet at work, so I'm gonna make this quick.

(Actually, this is all Her idea, and since she has proven to be smarter than me at Scrabble, I figger I should give it a try; also she won't let me touch her if I'm being a jerk.)

In an interwub world where I am assaulted by things like Bondage Fairies (what?) and Dragons F*#king Cars (WHAT?), it's nice to come across this: a video for 'None Shall Pass' by Aesop Rock, done by the always talented Jeremy Fish:

(If you're reading this on Facebook then too bad but Facewhore won't import videos from the blogger-place-thing, because Facebook is dumb and lame but please play Scrabble with me because I am addicted thank you.)

Also: I was wrong about Amy Winehouse. I'm sorry. Back To Black is modern day R&B done right; think Etta James minus a few sandwiches. Now, if only she could put her drink down long enough to actually perform this stuff live, or remember to take the coke straw out of her nose. Oh, well.

Also also: Joe Henry has a new CD out (Civilian), and you should all go out and get this because he's doing all that broken down cabaret stuff that Hawksley Dorkman and Goofus Wainright keep trying to do, but good, y'know? (Honestly, I hate those two; why the fuck do you people still pay attention to those whiny little no-talent primadonnas?) Think Tom Waits minus a few jugs of mescaline. Ignore the fact that he's Madonna's cousin, because he's been knocking out home runs since Trampoline back in 1996.

(For some reason, it took me five tries to spell 'Madonna' right; it's important that I correct spelling mistakes as they happen, you see; I'm an OLD PERSON, and I believe in language and proper usage, unlike you inbred chuds who think it's normal to send messages like "LOL im n ur haus makin ur kat wer mah gonch" to each other while massaging your shriveled and weird genitalia.)

Okay I must sleep now or I will bite the face off the first customer I see tomorrow. Lemme alone or I'll sock you one.

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