Saturday, October 13, 2007


Okay, so, um, there might be some of you who haven't heard yet, so lemme just clear up any rumours and state for the record: The Crazy Lady and I are having a baby.

No, really. We're preggers, and I have the most delightful glow about me, even if my boobs DO feel heavier.

I saw pictures of it yesterday as it tried to punch the Crazy Lady in the bladder. It was quite beautiful (the kid, not the punching thing, although it makes sense that the two of us would create something that was surly in the womb...), and despite my usual bitter demeanor, I was actually quite awestruck and, well, almost cried. Although I'll deny it if anyone ever brings it up ("Me, cry at an ultrasound? No way. I just cracked open another beer and asked the doctor if we could get the hockey game on her screen..."). Before anyone asks, we don't know it's sex yet, although Maxx keeps telling me that it's probably a puppy, in which case toilet training will be easier than I expected, and no one will get mad if I tie it to a tree in the backyard.

This means that I'll probably not be posting as much in the next few weeks, as now I am MOVING and EXPECTING at the same time. Still, stay tuned for news, as we're due some time around the end of April 2008, and you're all invited to come watch it emerge, all gooey and rubbery and baby-ish. I'm sure the Crazy Lady won't mind the company. BYOB.


Contra La Pared said...

Chris, I'm not even sure if YOU'RE welcome for the gooey-sticky-ness in April. I mean, I'm not too sure that I want to go, and I wouldn't mind sending you in my place, but I'm pretty sure that It'd be a bit of a show-stopper if I didn't show up.

Oh, my ego is so strong!

So, just to correct CDJ, No, no one is really -welcome- at the birth. If you come, you're going to have to put up with me demanding popsicles and morphine, and goddamn if Chris isn't the only one who really has to go through that. Asshole knocked me up, afterall.

christopherdrew said...

YOU'RE the one who promised me that it couldn't happen if we did it standing up, because gravity keeps it from happening...

Whatever. I'm selling tickets to this thing.

BBBoris said...

Congrats my man, that is great news. And interesting as my girlfriend and I are expecting as well.

christopherdrew said...

I swear to god I had nothing to do with getting YOUR girlfriend knocked up. Honest.

(This is me saying congratulations. Please don't name it after another member of The Cure.)

BBBoris said...

Fuck, there go my "Porl Norris" plans....

christopherdrew said...

...or "Lol Norris."

BBBoris said...

That's offensive... :-)