Friday, October 19, 2007

Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow.

I must be quick. There's an extraordinary amount of laundry to be done, and all my unnerwear is at the Crazy Lady's house. Oops. Plus: I may have found a place to hide all my porn for the next six months while I wait for our little Elder God to pop, so I gotta go bribe the new landlords with cake and polaroids of myself engaging in questionable behaviour. Also with money.

As well: turns out there's still a piece of glass under my skin from where I sliced my finger open last week. Yeah, typing's fun. Ow.

What I wanted to say was that everyone should listen to this.

Les Savy Fav held a contest recently, inviting fans and other miscreants to shoot a video for the band's latest single, 'The Equestrian'; and while normally I shrivel up at the sight of precocious kids being thrust into a spotlight, I have to admit that this one kinda works for me. The kid's certainly cuter than Tim Harrington, I tell you that much.

It's the song itself, though. Holy CRAP. It's like Rocket From The Crypt never broke up, but instead killed a punch of art-punks and wore their skins as a disguise in order to infiltrate the ears of scenesters everywhere, in the hopes of getting as many people as possible to set fire to their goddamned Belle & Sebastian records. I sincerely hope it works.

Anyway: this is me shaving my beard, because no one wants to rent to a smelly mountain man.


andy said...

But...I have sensitive hair, and I like Belle and Sebastian.


Anonymous said...

case in point, andy.. case in point.

Of course, to REALLY have sensitive man hair, it'd have to be permed, and about 3-7 inches longer. You're just a scarf-wearer right now. Your time will come though. Your time will come.

andy said... ?

christopherdrew said...

Okay, that's just plain WRONG. I will not permit such silliness to take place on my blog, sir.