Monday, November 26, 2007


Man, my girlfriend smelled good yesterday. Y'know how sometimes you just gotta say things out loud that probably shouldn't be said, but you do it anyway just so that other people can know how good something is, even if it's none of their business? That's all I'm doing here.

That is not to say that she did not smell good today. Because she did, but yesterday? Man oh man.

Sorry. I'm rambling. I'm also busy makin' mix-tapes, and by '-tapes' I mean '-CDs', but 'mix-CDs' just doesn't roll off the tongue as easily as 'mix-tapes', so mix-tapes it is. On CD, though. Whatever. The point is, I'm busy, makin' stuff for the Crazy Lady's birthday, and one of the gifts I've got in mind is something I kinda need help on, as I know what I want but not where to get it, and I can't say exactly what it is because she's probably reading this AS WE SPEAK, because she's a mutant that way. SHE KNOWS ALL.

I s'pose I'll figure it out, me being a grown-up and all. Oh, life! Why must you vex me so?

Anyway. The next two of three hours will be spent putting awesome sounds together to make 'em even more awesome (or, if you'd like, awesome
-ER...) than they were before I got my hands on 'em, so I'll just leave you with this wonderful site devoted to explaining how the bible is all about UFOs.

Be good. God is watching from his spaceship, and he's probably not happy with what you're doing.

1 comment:

BBBoris said...

What's the gift? Maybe I can help.