Friday, November 23, 2007

Things I Am Currently Doing:

I am currently wearing brand new unnerpants, and they feel great.

I am also currently watching a ridiculous show on TV called MANswers, a program that seems devoted to answering lifelong imponderables such as "How much beer can a dude drink in one night before he dies?" and "Is it okay to do a chick while she's sleeping?". Thank you, Spike TV, for proving to me that the lowest common denominator can always be lowered further.

I am also currently recovering from a night of snarky co-workers (I can't believe I used the word 'snarky'...), chest pains, yuppie douchebags, snotty crustpunks, cuntish barstars, and a pair of alleged alchemists who asked me if I was a WIZARD because of my 'occultish' tattoos. No, they were serious. Also: I have cookie dough on my arms, I've just opened my foot up while looking for a splinter with a pair of nail-clippers, I still have a chunk of glass under my finger from about a month ago, and I'm just feeling generally cranky.

Still: I have brand new unnerwear. Honestly, they are SO comfortable.

Plus I have the brand new Gorillaz CD (D-Sides), which is actually two discs worth of extra songs and remixes by the likes of DFA, Soulwax and Hot Chip. I also have the new Rockstar game, Manhunt 2 (the first game in this series being refreshing in the sense that it didn't mollycoddle you into thinking it was okay to commit murder on such a mass scale, like, say, EVERY OTHER GAME EVER CREATED, i.e., "Your opponents are Evil, therefore it's not only Okay, it's Essential that you Dispatch them as Messily as possible..."), which I'm not about to play until a) I'm in a better state of mind, and b) I finish the other games I got, mainly a new Spiderman game (because Spiderman is so cool that I'm actually considering naming the kid after him) and a new Tony Hawk game (from the franchise that helps me deny my thirty-four-year-old existence by allowing me to think that I could kickflip into a manual while grinding a set of stairs in the middle of downtown Tokyo like it ain't no thang...). ALSO!

I am still recovering from Ween.

Understand: seeing Ween live defies description. Even if all you know of them is this, you still owe it to yourself to see them live; they are that good. In a venue that boasts more than one gigantic stone Calgary Flames logo descending from the ceiling (seriously, those things FREAKED ME OUT), these guys managed to stay the centre of attention for two-and-a-half hours. Plus, they played Doctor Rock, and they finished with a version of Prince's L.M.L.Y.P. that lasted for thirty goddamned minutes. Ask Josh; they are serious ROCK GODS.

I am also currently listening to Nine Inch Nails new CD, Year Zero Remixed (or Y34RZ3R0R3M1X3D, for those of you fluent in l33tsp33k...(nerds)), and it features Saul Williams, Ladytron and Bill Laswell, as well as the two members of New Order that no one remembers, and it sounds better than both Year Zero and Saul Williams' 'Niggy Tardust...' combined. Weird.

Other new CDs: Sole, ...and The Skyrider Band (more weird white boy hip-hop frm Anticon); The Be Good Tanyas, Hello Love (cuz I'm a sucker for female vocals...); and Well Deep: 10 Years of Big Dada Recordings (because anything with Roots Manuva, Diplo AND King Geedorah must be owned and cherished and kept hidden away from sheep who think The Black Eyed Peas have anything to do with hip-hop anymore...).

Also: I should mention that I have a pregnant girlfriend who is pretty and smart and smells nice and puts up with my ranting with enormous patience, especially when I sulk at her lack of enthusiasm after I point out every time I buy a CD that it's THE GREATEST CD EVER MADE (I'm sorrry, I get excited, y'know?). I heart you long time.

I am now currently going to play video games in my brand new unnerpants until the sun comes up, because I'm allowed. Thpppppt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1. snarky co-workers? duuuuuude. I thought I was just over-excitable yesterday at the thought of LEAVING THE HOUSE last night. (ps-- it was fun.)

2. I'm just a bit more of an elitist about music. (like, what the fuck man, NIN is foul)
3. The only way we're not naming it Bronson is if it's a girl. Though, according to one of Deb's drunk sisters (not the one you met.) it's DEFINITELY a girl.