Friday, January 11, 2008

I am not now nor have I ever been a dwarf. So shut it.

So. A bit of advice to those of you out there who might've been born without, I dunno, a brain: if you happen to be allergic to a certain substance, like, say, hazelnut, don't ask us to ADD hazelnut to your drink, leave the store, then call us back fifteen minutes later in a panic demanding to know why we would put such a life-threatening substance in your drink. Just, y'know, don't. We can do without that kind of grief.

See, I'm inclined to think that this is just natural selection at work, like this case here (no, Rachel, this is where you actually READ the link), but when I say stuff like that at work, everyone says I'm grumpy.

Sorry: work's been a little frustrating lately, as my night-shift partner-in-crime decided to go AWOL and build a pirate ship in Vancouver without telling anyone (jerk), so now I'm constantly surrounded by GURLS, who apparently have FEELINGS, which means I have to contain my naturally crude self, and causes me to relive Grade 12 Drama, where myself and Curt McKinstry were forced to deal with twelve teenage ladies whose, um, biological rhythms, shall we say, were in perfect sync for six months. Great times. Really.

(Dawn, Gina, Kyrsten and Laura: I'm only kidding. Please don't make my girlfriend stop having sex with me.)

Has everyone heard that new version of Sabbath's 'War Pigs' as done by those smug Californian jerks known as CAKE? Of course you haven't, because most of you have dismissed the fine fellows in CAKE as smug Californian jerks who are possible one ironic song away from appearing on that KOOKY ROCK BANDS OF THE MILLENIUM compilation K-Tel's got simmering on the back-burner for the next holiday rush. The thing is, those smug Californian jerks are fully aware that most people regard them this way, and are quite fine with the idea, as it doesn't take a supagenius to realize that sometimes we attach a bit to much importance to all these nancyboys with bad posture who play plonky sounds on out-of-tune instruments while pretending to call it art or whatever, and that sometimes it's okay for some smug Californian jerks to put out a collection of songs that, while it might not plumb the depths of your mortal soul, will still make you throw up the devil horns while you enjoy a second Long Island Iced Tea.

What I mean to say is: 'War Pigs'. Done by CAKE. Effing YES. They also do a FABULOUS cover of Kenny Rogers'
'Ruby (Don't Take Your Love To Town)', so, um, there.

Oh, and speaking of squonky sounds: that new Radiohead is top-notch. Isn't it great to listen to a band that doesn't start to suck after three albums?

Okay, some stuff:

1. While I do agree that these are pretty cool outfits, I also agree that by wearing them you're pretty much asking the police to beat you about the cranium with heavy objects: "Hey! Let's go out at night dressed as serial rapists!"

2. Apparently, God has given up hating fags and is now just focusing on goths. ("Find out why Goths are just as responsible for the Twin Towers attack, as those towel-headed cavemen in Afghanastan...For some strange reason we seem to get a lot of hatemail from Goths, when we have done nothing but try to help them. These freaks are pathetic." I WISH I could come up with stuff this funny.)


4. The Post-Apocalyptic Workout; because you KNOW it's coming. (This came close to being the Most Awesome Website, but then I found Death By Led Zeppelin, and, really, who can argue with me?)

5. Warehouse 23. (Obviously NOT the Most Awesome Website, but still a lot of fun for when you just wanna waste time clicking, and clicking, and clicking...)

That's all I got for now. It's my brother's 28th birthday, so I gotta go compose a horrendously rude birthday note for him. Also I have lots of nerding out to do, as my Xbox ain't gonna play itself, although that'd be pretty cool if it could. Also also: I know I talked about these guys about a year ago, but if you're still not listening to Cloud Cult, then frankly I just don't know what to do with you.


Contra La Pared said...

1. that is the ONLY good description of cake ever. and although that song may be "awesome" i'm probably still not going to listen to it.

2. you have no idea HOW MANY links of yours I don't click. bah.

3. Jerk. I wasn't mentioning the i'm pregnant thing o n my blog for REASONS like, GOOD REASONS and you had to go & hijack my blog and ruin them. JERK.

Anonymous said...

AWOL /pronounced as initials or ˈeɪwɔl, ˈeɪwɒl/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[pronounced as initials or ey-wawl, ey-wol] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–adjective, adverb
1. away from military duties without permission, but without the intention of deserting.
2. a soldier or other military person who is absent from duty without leave.
3. go AWOL,
a. to depart from military duty without leave.
b. to absent oneself without explanation.


christopherdrew said...

Preggers: Bah, yourself. Like anyone can decipher a singular identity from that quantum-key-encoded set of missives and co-ordinates that you call a blog. I know you're a secret agent. lady; I just don't know who you're working for...

Barsky: The good Reverend RG from GODHATESGOTHS would probably tell you that the main language of ANYWHERE is American, so don't worry about it. Just have lots of white slaves to trade.