Tuesday, January 1, 2008

In Which Chris Is Drunk ONCE AGAIN At His GirlFriend's Behest:

All I'm saying is: you don't get to demand that I get drunk, simply because you are NOT ALLOWED TO DRINK, due to your being pregnant and whatnot, and then turn around and leave me alone to do nothing but watch more episodes of X-Files. I did not get here by myself; I seem to recall a rther cutelady urging me to polish off a bottle of wine in something like fifteemn minutes. You don't get to do this to me, only to pass out on me. This is not ALLOWED. This is twice in two nights, and it very reprehnsible. Reprehensible. There, I got it.

NOR do you get to offer all MY Christmas chocolates to any visiting friends who might be watching TV with you whilst I am slaving away at work on a holiday. This is simply NOT DONE. I do not care if the chocolate has nuts in it, which means I won't eat it anyway because putting nuts in chocolate is just WRONG. YOU don't get to offer my chocolate to ther people; that's MY job.

Also: I can't remember what else I had to say, so I'm going to drink the last of this wine, and watch more of X-Files, because it's not my fault that Scully is hot.

Good Day.

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