Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I Got My Go-Go-Gadget Flow.

Yay, Spring is here! Guess who's got a head full of snot? Mucous is fun!

So, um, stuff: 1. Tetris: The Movie. I am equal parts horrified and intrigued...

...actually, no, make that 80/20 in favour of horrified.

2. A video game where edible mushroom people make war against poisonous mushroom people? With a soundtrack by Les 'I'm So Effing High That I Think My Bass Is Talking To Me' Claypool? Yes, please.

3. Warren Spector, the genius behind such awesomicity as Thief and Deus Ex, has a blog about gaming and I only found out about it just now. Go read about how video games are not only cool but good for you.

4. Shit really IS Bananas.

That's all I gots for now, as my nose has turned into a gooey faucet and my head feels like there are rabid wolverines having prison sex with my brain. I go now.


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