Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Our Work & Why We Do It.

Last night marked a new era in my career as the token bully at Beano, as I was able to convince a young lady to eat a handful of spent whipped cream that had been sitting in the sink with soapy dishwater, in exchange for a free latte. Strangely enough, she required very little coercion, and I even tried to stop her at the last moment.

No, really; I almost feel bad about it, y'know?

We also introduced a new food item onto the Beano menu: a date-bran muffin with all the dates picked out of it by Sarah, and then put back together with scotch tape by me. I'm interested to see how well it sold.

Also I must point out that here is where I TOTALLY destroyed Josh at chess:

Up in the left corner? That's my queen all up in Josh's king's face, and she's all like, "Whut? Whatchoo gonna do, punk? You don't know me! You don't know my friends! Make a move, yo!"

Oh, and last night's coffees were inspired by the lovely Ms. Laura Farn, who is neither a bitch nor a virgin, but has certainly been fascinating at times.

Now I must go shower so that I do not stink anymore.

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