Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Getcher nerd on (wherein Chris gets his nerd on, indeed...)

Hey, look: 3:00 am, jet lag, and I'm still up. Go figure.

1. Spider-man 3 (the movie): yeah, okay, it wasn't as good as the first two, but it was still pretty damned cool. Maybe Raimi and company were a tad over-ambitious in this one, as HOLY CRAP was there a lot of storyline to get through, so much so that I'm sure they could've made two very good movies instead of one, had they stepped back and examined what it was they were trying to do; that being said - all the fanboys who told me that it was THE WORST MOVIE OF ALL TIME can just suck it. It was fun, it had a lot of action, and some of the actors actually acted.

Yes, I know the dance scene was a bit silly, but that silliness was in each one of the movies. Besides (and here's the big reveal, kids): YOU'RE WATCHING A MOVIE ABOUT A MAN WHO DRESSES IN TIGHTS AND ACTS LIKE A SPIDER. Holy fuck. What do you people want?

Whatever; despite it's flaws, I had a great time.

Also: I seem to remember everyone calling Pirates of the Caribbean 2 the WMOAT, when all I can really say is: it was a Disney pirate movie. It was only supposed to be entertaining. Which it was. So just unclench. Okay? Thanks.

2. Spider-Man 3 (the game): yes, I know I'm a nerd.

Lemme just say this to the producers of this game: how the hell do you take one of the best games on ANY platform (Spider-Man 2, thankyewverymuch) and turn it into this heap o' crap? Honestly, it's like none of you have any sense, or imagination, or talent. The game's ugly and chunky and not fun at all. Really, you could've just copy-and-pasted the earlier game into this and it would've turned out better. Thanks for wasting my time, guys.

3. I think it's funny that I saw this video on an airplane:

...and, yes, I know I'm the guy who hatedhatedhated the previous Feist album, but I can't help it; after seeing this video, I'm falling in love with the chick three times a day. Congrats to director Patrick Daughters for taking that insanely overrated OK GO video (soon to be appearing in a novelty trivia game sometime next year, I'm sure) and doing something beautiful with it.

4. I brought me Girl Guide cookies from home. Why? Because for some reason, the Girl Guides never come to MY door, so I have to get my Mom to buy them for me. I know, it's sad, but I swear to god they're like crack in cookie form; and now they're all mine.

5. Reading Ship Of Fools by Richard Paul Russo, simply on the say-so of Clint and David. It's pretty good sci-fi in a 'we've been travelling for centuries in a giant ark in space' kinda way. I'm hoping it turns out better than his Carlucci series, which just petered away into nothing, despite starting off as some very engaging cyberpunk noir. I'll let you know how it goes.

6. I can't help but notice that no one's bought me a copy of the new Palahniuk. All I can say is that I'm very disappointed in the lot of you.

7. Hey, look: Pandaporn from Jason Shogreen, who is a jeenieyus.

Okay, now I'm going to bed. Keep it down, or I'll throw a shoe at you.

1 comment:

BBBoris said...

I gotta see this damn movie so I can judge for myself.