Thursday, May 24, 2007


Beano is weird in the morning. It's all quiet and stuff, and nobody talks to anybody else, and it's full of all these old people sitting around reading papers and eating bagels and being grumpy, and Alison and Kimmy glare at you for at least a few seconds before realizing that you're not one of the bad guys.

Of course, I do that, too. I think that's sorta the Beano greeting, a look that says, "Hi, how can I fucking help you." It's fun, you'll like it.

Things I have realized while packing:

1. I really need to clean up my place more often.

2. I have way too many band t-shirts (which is probably why customers keep asking me things like:
"Is Sloan your name?"
"No, it's a band."
"Oh, are you in the band?"
"...yes. Yes, I am."
...I mean, seriously, people; do I come up to you and say, "Hey, you must be that Ralph Lauren person I keep hearing about!"? Morons.)

3. I need more underwear. (You probably didn't need to know that...)

4. I have, like, a thousand batteries scattered around my place, yet I have only one appliance-like-thing that requires them.

5. I REALLY need to clean up my place more often. Either that, or invest in some gasoline and a match.

Anyway: this is me going away until Monday. Vancouver awaits (or 'Van', as you kids like to call it), as do my sisters and my dog and my friend Evan who seems to have disappeared off the planet again and my friend Clint, to whom I say: get ready, bitch, I'm comin' to make you my woman again.

(I totally mean that in the best way possible...)

1 comment:

Marley said...

You can never have too many band shirts.
If you read this while away, please call me! I want to pick you up from the airport.