Saturday, November 24, 2007

This is where I link to stuff instead of coming up with actual words.

1. Oh My Dear Jesus What? (also known as: "Please Chuck Norris Just Die Already")

2. ...and to think that in my spare time, all I do is play video games and read comics...

3. Okay, the cynical part of me wants to call this "Blair Witch: Godzilla", but I'm actually really interested to see what this is about, and large-scale disaster movies make me go all tingly inside (with the exception of anything done by Michael Bay, otherwise known as The Great Satan.).

4. Please tell me I'm not the only one repulsed by the idea of Christian Slater as Moses.

5. Ben Stein Vs. Darwinism. (This one's a few months old; I honestly don't know what to say, other than: Ben Stein kinda scares me.)

That is all, except for this: yes, Jeremy, I AM a wizard, my secret Wizard name is Sinistar the Destroyer, and I will set your beard on fire by shooting lightning bolts from my fingertips, and no amount of unicorns will save you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Christopher Drew...Moks here! As we all know, I ain't no religion guy, but the thought of Jack Nick Jr. as Moses is damned depressing. SO, just thought I would give my two cents worth and post that the movie "Prince Of Egypt", whilst STILL religious, is a KICK ASS movie. If ya aint seen it, RENT it, if ya have seen it, STEAL it, Baby Jeb would be proud! p.s. CONGRATS POPPA!