Thursday, February 7, 2008


I just have to point out here that after watching both 'Planet Of The Apes' and 'Beneath The Planet Of The Apes' last night (AWESOME, yes), I got to thinking about the Tim Burton version that came out a few years back that everyone dumped on, and y'know what? Screw y'all. That movie rocked. That last scene (I'm not gonna spoil anything here, as I've already spoiled the big reveal in Twin Peaks for my Ladyfriend and I feel like a big jerk for that...) was PERFECT.


I just wanted to throw this out there: am I completely crazy, wanting our daughter's middle name to be Indiana? See, it's not just that I think Indiana Jones is one of the coolest adventure heroes EVER (which he is...); it has more to do with the fact that he represents the idea of adventure itself, a concept that seems to be sorely lacking from modern life, the idea that the world can be mysterious and strange and dangerous, but also that it waits eagerly to be explored. I certainly don't expect Hazel to carry a bullwhip while fighting off zombies in ancient Mayan tombs (although, admit it: that'd be pretty effing COOL...), but I do hope that we can instill within her some curiosity towards her world, as well as the courage to step forward into whatever fray presents itself, and the foresight to know that the payoff is always worthwhile; and while I really don't put much stock in the whole "Mystical Naming Ritual", I think naming her (partly) after a college professor who PUNCHES NAZIS (always cool) in the name of scientific advancement and cultural understanding can't really be such a bad thing.

Plus, as the Ladyfriend puts it, Hazel Indiana Janzen sounds kinda pretty.

So, feedback please. I really need to know if I'm being entirely unreasonable here. Let me know if I've joined the ranks of nerds worldwide who've decided that their children are the new incarnations of Jedi Knights, dress them in robes and have them answer to silly multisyllabic monikers while practicing their FORCE exercises. If I've become
that parent, then someone needs to hit me in the head with a shovel.

(Andy, for the last time: we're
not naming her Shackleton.)


BBBoris said...

Indiana? cool. Hazel? Not so much....

Kade Krokosinski said...


i think it sounds nice.