Sunday, February 3, 2008

Shh! My girlfriend is sleeping!

Oh, fuck me silly.

Jeremy Davies is now on LOST?

This is the best television show EVER.

(Yes, I watched the premiere on the internet. I cannot wait another year and a half for the next season to come out, only to have all the surprises ruined for me by idiots who can't keep their mouths shut.

Which I have become, apparently.)


evan uri parsons said...

i didn't know you had a blog!

christopherdrew said...


evan uri parsons said...

if you tell me any secrets about LOST i will rip you in two

Anonymous said...

I think lost is it's own worst spoiler. The really annoying part is that it's constantly spoiling and never explaining.

-Oh! Hurley's pretty lady was in the psych ward with him! Oh wait... She's dead! Now we don't have to justify that at ALL!

-Oh! There's the stewardess from the flight all cozy-up to the Others! Oh, The characters are too busy hissing at them all traitor-style to ask them even if they're ok or how they came to be there, or why they were kidnapped.

-Oh! Jack now has complete control over Henry Gale (that's the only name I can remember for him) but doesn't ask him ANYTHING about the island. (Nor does Locke with Jacob, even though he can see him, and clearly hangs around his house.)

-Oh! how 'bout we NEVER resolve what those numbers are, or even what the "security system" smoke/homicidal polar bear on a tropical island is.

-Oh! 6 people made it off the island! Here are who three of them are, although they're all split up when the rescue party comes!

I seriously think that Lost -creates- cliffhangers to get people to keep watching that it never feels the need to explain. AT least when you're watching Mulholland Drive, you can figure it out if you're a big enough nerd and have a few days to spare re-watching the first 15 minutes of the movie 5 times to every time you watch it the whole way through.


Then again, I can't sleep because I keep hearing an intermittent electronic sound that no one else can, nor that is emanating from anywhere in my house.

christopherdrew said...

WhatEVER. You LOVE the cliffhangers. It gives you something to be angry about.