Friday, April 25, 2008

Four More Years!

So, the Ladyfriend and I are sitting somewhat entangled on the couch watching the Sci-Fi Channel's version of Dune (because she hasn't seen either version, and that's just plain wrong) when she turns to me to say, "I really hope Obama wins the election; it's just that I haven't felt this hopeful about a political figure in a long time, and I'm kinda interested in what he does."

Of course, I didn't have the heart to explain to her that it doesn't matter
who wins, because the world is secretly run by a clandestine group of five Very Evil People (Dick Cheney, Rupert Murdoch, Martha Stewart, Oprah, and George Lucas) who meet under every full moon to stage dark rituals and plan the eventual subjugation of humankind, but even that doesn't matter because in four years the Mayans will miraculously step through their Time Portals to help us wage war against Cthulhu and his army of Deep Ones, but even that won't really matter because it's all simply voices arguing in the head of the emerging consciousness developing within the supercontext/universe that surrounds and pervades us as a species and which will ultimately wake up and wonder what the hell it was drinking last night to come up with a hallucination as weird as us.

This is what I get for reading Grant Morrison. I'm gonna go look at internet porn now, because my brain hurts from trying to decide things.

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