Saturday, May 19, 2007

Drunk blog #1: It's all Rachel's fault.

Only because I am slightly inebriated. This will be short. because my bed seems comfy, and it's way over there, and I must go to it!

Honestly: I am the cheapest date ever. I swear, one drink and I can't understand what you're saying, because. See? I can't even finish that sentence. I'm sure this would be just adorable if I were, like, twenty, but as I'm in my thirties? It's just sad. No wonder I don't have a girlfriend.

Brooker Buckingham bought me pizza. That's the best thing to happen at Broken City since P.J. made faces of disgust while watching the bartender butcher 'Jane Says' during Sunday Karaoke. That was funny. What is wrong with my life that I have attended Sunday Karaoke?

Chai is stupid. Soy chai lattes are just fucking ghey, and if you drink them, you are a goddamned hippy and deserve my scorn. I ahve spoken.

Here is that catchy 'Young Folks' song, because Peter, Bjorn & John are good, despite the fact that the Norwegians are starting to creep me out:

Here is that amazing song by The Thermals, because they have a cute chick bass player, plus also they are good:

Here is also that Cloud Cult song that I've been asking Maxx about for the last four months, because it is good and I want it but I've been calling it by the wrong name all this time:

Lastly, here is the new Polyphonic Spree, because Tim Delaughter is good in a creepy desperate kinda way, but when those girls doing the backup vocals come in, the whole thing becomes brilliant and it feels like you're part of something bigger than yourself, even if just for a moment:

Now I'm going to bed.


BBBoris said...

That Peter Bjorn and John (PB&J lol) song is catchy as fuck.

christopherdrew said...

I swear to god they named themselves that on purpose. I bet their REAL names are, like, Austin, Pettigrove and Luigi, but they all really like peanut butter and jam sammiches.