Sunday, May 6, 2007

Muddy With Twigs And Branches

1. I don't know if this is something that really inspires pride in my fellow human beings; if anything, it causes me to loathe you all even more, as you all obviously spend too much time drooling over mediocre karaoke singers and horribly unfunny fratboys.

2. I have the new Bjork. One song in, and it's already incredible. It also goes along way to proving what I've always maintained about Timbaland: brilliant as a producer, nothing but dead weight when he's in the spotlight.

I also have the new Dinosaur Jr.; as much as I'm sure I'll like it, I think I'm only buying it out of habit. We'll see. (Holy Toledo! J Mascis got OLD!)

3. Why hasn't the new Battles album come out yet? Wasn't it supposed to be available in, like, December? I know more than half of the people who work at all the cool record stores, and I demand satisfaction, goddamn it. This is the kind of brilliance we're being deprived of:

...I know: it hurts to have to wait. Fuckers.

4. I swear to god this wasn't me. I ain't got nothing against city hall, and my preferred form of civic protest is to just not pay my taxes for multiple years on end. Plus, I once shot an eagle with a pellet gun when I was kid, and I still feel kinda bad about it...

5. ...and you wonder why I have such a dismal view of humanity.

6. Sarah Ford: I want a 3-piece meal from Chicken On The Way, and I want you to bring it to Beano, and I want it tonight, or the next time I see you, I'm putting peanut butter in your hair.

Anyway: since no one wants to go see Spiderman 3 with me tonight (Dan Roy calls it 'the worst movie ever', but then Dan plays with fireworks for a living...), I'm gonna go play basketball by myself and then help out at work, because I have no life of my own. Maybe that weird asian kid who hangs out at the church will be my friend for a few hours, at least...(getcher minds outta the gutter; he just likes to shoot hoops, that's all)...


BBBoris said...

Howard should be way higher the #17 or whatever he was.

Word on the street is that Spider Man 3 sucks. But I shall judge it on it's own merit when I see it... on dvd...

christopherdrew said...

Movies like Peter Spiderman the Third are supposed to be enjoyed in theatres; it's the only reason to go to those overpriced tributes to god-awful architecture.

Jeremy Curry said...

I heard that new battles and as much as I liked the E.P's, the new album sucks.

I heard the new spider-man has a song and dance routine. blarrrrgggggghhh....

That kid at the church is such a show off!

christopherdrew said...

Jeremy, Your entire life is a song-&-dance number.