Monday, May 14, 2007

Records left skipping, clothing all scattered.

Twin Peaks, Season 2, so far:

1. See, not only have I been watching simply to enjoy the series (as one would a fine aged wine, or a hobo kept in storage for the weekend)(I have no idea what I mean by that, either...), it's also interesting to try and pinpoint just where they went wrong, as it's no secret that the show went a little south when Lynch went off to direct his own version of The Wizard Of Oz. They're all still in fine form here, but the introduction of a character like Dick Tremayne seems to be a big indication of someone starting to phone it in.

2. The only good thing about the scene where The Kids play their love song in the living room is at the end, when Bob shows up and causes Maddie to seriously lose her shit.

3. This is Lynch putting himself in the story; just try and tell me it isn't.

4."I love you, Sherriff Truman."; and I love you, Albert Rosenfield. Woof, yourself.

5. While I won't spoil what happens in Episode 14, I will say that it one of the most brilliant pieces of televised fiction ever created, almost rivalling this series' finale. Oh, yeah: I said it. What?

Wilco, Sky Blue Sky: okay, aside from Tweedy's obvious fetish for all things Woody Guthrie (may he spend eternity in Abaddon getting pulverized into nothingness for inspiring hippies to be so...hippy-ish), I don't see why everyone's got such a hate-on for this album; in fact if you didn't see this one coming after their reinvention on A Ghost Is Born, then you weren't really paying attention, were you? If anything, it reminds me of the later-era Beatles, circa Let It Be. I dunno. I like it, and my taste is always better than yours, so there.



I will admit: I had fun, mainly because I watched it with Meagan (who screams at EVERYTHING, which is why she's coming to every movie I ever go to again in my entire life), but also because, well, it was fun. I will, however, maintain that this whole 'grindhouse' idea is just another excuse for these two to make bad movies. Planet Terror was obviously the better of the two, as it never once took itself seriously, but the sad fact is that most of Rodriguez' movies turn out this way anyway. Death Proof was just inane, and it was nice to have Meagan confirm that Tarentino knows shit-all about women; he might've regained some of the overall ambience with that last car chase, but my faith in him producing anything of quality ever again is fast dwindling.

Those trailers, though? Fan-fucking-tastic.

Next week: 28 Weeks Later. Cuz zombies rock.

I gots me more Twin Peaks to watch, and there are only so many hours in the day, so you can stop bothering me now. Here's Les Savy Fav, just because they're on my headphones now:


Marley said...

How do I subscribe to blogs on here? I am such a Luddite.

christopherdrew said...

I don't know how to subscribe to these; I just check 'em daily.