Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Honestly, I hit her cuz I love her.

I am the worst person ever.

So, my girlfriend decides to be nice to me, and she says, "Hey, why don't you come sleep over at MY apartment tonight, because your apartment is sometimes cold, and it'd be nice to cuddle and stuff, and it'll be fun!"

So what do I do? I spend all night beating the crap out of her.

I swear, every time I shifted in bed, I ended up punching her in the head, or kicking her, or accidentally stepping on her belly, or headbutting her. I am SUCH a jerk, and I guarantee that my little girl's gonna clock me the moment she escapes the womb.

Of course, I suppose I could feel worse; after all, I'm still making her drive me to Diner Deluxe so's I can eats me my steak and eggs.

In other news: Twyla? It's WINTER. It's supposed to be COLD. This is why when it gets gross and slushy out, we STOP wearing our Converse burlap sacks on our feet and START wearing winter boots and other such apparel. Jeez, woman...

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