Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I'm Just Sayin'...

Okay, MAYBE I'd asked her to wake me up at 1:00 so that I could get to work on time, and MAYBE she was just doing what I'd asked her to do, and MAYBE I'd already ignored her the first two times she came in to wake me; all I'm saying is that it's very RUDE to pull the covers off of me and remove them from the bedroom ENTIRELY, leaving me to shiver all fetal-like with nothing to use as a blanket except for dirty laundry and all the baby stuff that everyone's been so kind to donate to us. That's just the calling card of a great, big MEANIE.

Let me tell you, it's very hard to keep warm underneath a collection of onesies, sleeping caps, and baby booties.

BUT! I will forgive her, if only because she gave me three of my birthday presents early, which meant that Chris got some movies (Syriana, Starsky & Hutch, and a couple volumes of Ghost In The Shell) plus a book of essays by David Foster "I'm Gonna Pretty Much Vomit Onto The Page And You're Gonna Like It" Wallace. (Go on, TRY and read Infinite Jest. I DARE you.)

I will also forgive her because she drove me to work today, and because she's pretty and I like her, but YOU JUST WATCH YOURSELF LADY!

Also: we finished Season 3 of LOST; are you seriously trying to tell me that I'll have to wait another YEAR before Season 4 comes out (No, I will not watch it on TV, because that just hurts...)? Or, given the writer's strike, possibly longer?

Oh, this will NOT do at all...

Of course, this gives me and the Ladyfriend plenny o' time to argue over whether or not the castaways are all dead and the island is really Limbo, or that the island is a quantum mechanism that broadcasts certain numbers into the world to alter time and space so that the castaways had no choice but to be on that plane that crashed on the island because it needs human lives as data so that it can work towards a formula that describes our reality's entire existence.

Or, dinosaurs. Lots of 'em.

A couple of things:

1. Cappuccino Spycam: um...no. You do not want to see what we do with our hands while we make you your non-fat decaf sugar-free-vanilla latte (Or as we call it, a "Why Bother?"...). I yell at people on an hourly basis for making ridiculous requests of me ("Could you add about an inch of water, and then a dash of cinnamon, and then steam up about a thimble-full of rice milk to serve on the side? And then if it's not too much trouble, could you serve it to me on the back of one of those miniature ponies, and play some Barbara Streisand to accompany it's approach?"); what makes you think I won't be adding my own 'personal crema' to your drink while you're not looking? Do you really want to SEE that? Didn't think so...

2. Oh, fuck right off...

3. ....man, those cavemen sure were pretty,weren't they? This one gets a couple points simply because it has Rampaging War-Elephants, which are all kinds of awesome. The rest of it will be stupid beyond belief, but think about it: WAR-ELEPHANTS.

4. I want to be Patton Oswalt's winter wife.

That's all. I have to go make a CD for Shauna, and then pretend to be an Elf-Goblin for a couple of hours. Because I gave up on nerd-dom long ago. Really.


andy said...

"Could you add about an inch of water, and then a dash of cinnamon, and then steam up about a thimble-full of rice milk to serve on the side? And then if it's not too much trouble, could you serve it to me on the back of one of those miniature ponies, and play some Barbara Streisand to accompany it's approach?"

...well, I have needs, Chris.

christopherdrew said...

Dude, I've already spoken to you about being a nancyboy; and by 'spoken', I mean berated you endlessly until you ran to the bathroom to cry in the dark.

andy said...

In front of customers, no less!