Thursday, February 28, 2008

Bob Dylan Still Sucks. Listen To This Instead.

Just wanted to inform alla y'all about the fact that The Avalanches, who brought us this masterpiece over SEVEN YEARS AGO, haven't converted to Catholicism and sworn off music as the Devil's Tool like we'd all suspected, but in fact have a new album coming out and you can hear the first track here and holy crap it's good.

Also: this has been out for a while, but I rediscovered it last night, and I have to thank the Always Awesome Jeannette Sullivan for bringing it to my attention oh-so long ago: Broken Social Scene Vs. Purple Ribbon All-Stars, Kryptonite+Cause=Time. It's a mash-up, so most of you will turn your noses up at it, but it makes me forgot I'm white for about five minutes or so, so screw y'all. (Oh, and while we're thanking people: Amelia, I just found my copy of Big Business and I'm ever so glad you worked at Megawhatsit with me, even if it was only to introduce me to this lovely bludgeoning disc, although I'm sure you have fond memories of a certain older gentleman with a prominent moustache and a penchant for shitty blues, so maybe it wasn't all a waste of your time...)

Also also: I work with this lovely young lady named James who has this band called Jane Vain & The Dark Matter that I was so hesitant to check out, because I kinda get tired of telling people things like, "No, your poetry DOESN'T make me wanna shoot myself in the head, you're really DEEP, y'know?", when in actuality all you wanna do is stop making friends so that no one can disappoint you any more, but anyway...I finally listened to it last week, and it's GOOD. Like,
fucking good. It's one of those things that makes you view a friend in a new light, because as wonderful as you thought that person was, you never suspected that they had something as beautiful as this in them (I know that sounds like a backhanded compliment, but it's not, I'm just really surprised at how much I like this CD, so shut it.); I don't have a link, so just go buy the damned CD so that James can stop working at a coffee shop for minimum wage, okay? Thanks.

Also Cubed: y'know who's NOT good? At ALL? Anyone who's on the Juno soundtrack. No, really, fuck you. Those are songs you sing when you're making yourself a sandwich, or taking out the garbage, or adjusting the temperature before stepping into the shower. Those are songs you sing while taking a shit - "...well, I ate me an apple and it tasted kinda sour/now I gotta take a dump and I'm sittin' on the crapper/I might read the paper but I'm not sure I can reach it/and something smells in here!!!". Those are NOT songs that you record in a studio and then mix onto a CD and sell for $20 a pop at your local record store. No sir. I hate you, Juno Soundtrack, and I want you to die NOW. Thank you.

Also x 4: The Herbaliser featuring Trap Clappa, Cheech Marina, Daddy Mills, AK, MacGuyver and Jean Grae, Generals.

...oh, wait, no, my mistake - that's ALL Jean Grae, because she's SICK, that's why...

That's all for now; another former co-worker of mine (Jim Brown aka Rank Nubah aka what are you calling yourself this week?) dropped off
his new CD a couple days ago, so now I gotta go listen to that, but it's okay because I've heard his stuff before and I like it and I'm sure this will be no exception. Plus, I gotta make mixes for both Amy and Rich because EVERYONE'S SO DEMANDING, so, go away now.

I love you?