Sunday, October 12, 2008

Humans Making Turkey Noises Should Be Avoided At All Costs.

Okay, so maybe I'm NOT so hot at chess, as exemplified by Josh's rook slapping my king here like a pimp asking his ho' for his percentage.

Yes, sometimes we serve coffee at our workplace shut up.

Also: before I post the link to these videos, I should point out that by no means do I think all supporters of the McCain/Palin ticket share the views of the people here; I'm just astonished at the sheer bulk of ignorance displayed. Obviously the big issue facing America today is whether or not Obama's a terrorist - silly me, I thought the fact that your economy is voiding it's bowels like a dying horse might be a tad more imperative, but I guess we should all focus on skin colour instead.

From Blogger Interrupted: The McCain/Palin Mob Part 1 & Part 2.

(Oh, and there's a Canadian election going on too but it's kinda of like the political version of Monopoly money, y'know?.)

Now I must go shoot a turkey and feed it to my baby.

1 comment:

Kade Krokosinski said...

turkeys should be avoided at all costs